Article Information

Francois J. Conradie1

1Department Chemical Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Correspondence to:
Francois Conradie


Postal Address:
Private bag X20, Hatfield, Pretoria 0028, South Africa

How to cite this article:
Conradie, F.J., 2011, ‘Eksperimentele bepaling en modellering van vloeistof-gas-ewewigsdata in die C2F4-C3F5-s-C4F8-sisteem’, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 30(1), Art. #99, 1 page.

This abstract was initially presented as a paper at the annual Natural Sciences Student Symposium, presented under the protection of the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. The symposium was held at the University of Pretoria on 05 November 2010.

The following members formed part of the committee that was responsible for arranging the symposium: Mr. R. Pretorius (Department of Geography, University of South-Africa), Dr E. Snyders (NECSA), Dr M. Landman (Department of Chemistry, University of Pretoria) and Dr W. Meyer (Department of Physics, University of Pretoria).

Copyright Notice:
© 2011. The Authors. Licensee: AOSIS OpenJournals. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.

ISSN: 0254-3486 (print)
eISSN: 2222-4173 (online)

Eksperimentele bepaling en modellering van vloeistof-gas-ewewigsdata in die CF-CF-s-CF-sisteem

Experimental measurement and modelling of vapour-liquid equilibrium data for the C2F4-C3F6-s-C4F8 system
The vapour-liquid equilibrium data for the C2F4-C3F6–s-C4F8 system are presented. Each binary system was evaluated at three isotherms. The experimental data will be correlated to the Peng-Robinson equation of state, incorporating the Mathias-Copeman alpha function, with the Wong-Sandler mixing rule utilising the NRTL activity coefficient model.

Isotermiese hoёdruk-vloeistof-gas-ewewigsdata vir die C2F4-C3F6–s-C4F8 binêre stelsels word voorgelê. Die binêre stelsel vorm deel van navorsing vir die produksie van hoë-suiwerheid-C2F4 en C3F6 vanaf gedepolimiseerde Teflon. Die suiwer C2F4 en suiwer C3F6 word in polimerisasie-reaksies gebruik om fluoro-polimere te produseer. Vir die C2F4-C3F6- en die C2F4-s-C4F8-stelsels is drie isoterme by 248 K, 263 K en 283 K gedoen. Drie isoterme by 293 K, 323 K en 352 K is vir die C3F6-sC4F8-stelsel gedoen. Die drukreeks ter sprake vir al drie stelsels was in die gebied 0.03 tot 2.74 MPa. ’Staties-analitiese’ toerusting is vir die eksperimentele werk gebruik. Die ewewigsfases is geanaliseer in ’n kapilêrebuisstelsel wat elke fase afsonderlik kan meet. Die onsekerheid in die kalibrering is ± 0.1 K, 0.0015 MPa en 2% vir die temperatuur, druk en molfraksies onderskeidelik. Die eksperimentele data is daarna op die Peng-Robinson toestandsvergelyking gepas met gebruikmaking van die Mathias-Copeman-alfafunksie. Die Wong-Sandler-vermengingsreël, saam met die NRTL aktiwiteitskoëffisient-model, word gebruik. Die gemiddelde relatiewe afwyking tussen die model en eksperimentele data word ook voorgestel. Die data kan gebruik word om ’n distillasiekolom te ontwerp wat die benodigde suiwerheid in die produkte kan produseer.

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