Original Research
Die ontwikkeling van ’n korrosiebestande langpadlengte-infrarooisel Deel I: Konstruksieparameters en -oorwegings
Submitted: 26 September 2003 | Published: 26 September 2003
About the author(s)
D. J. Delport, Department Chemiese & Metallurgiese Ingenieurswese, Technikon Pretoria, South AfricaJ. H. Potgieter, Department Chemiese & Metallurgiese Ingenieurswese, Technikon Pretoria, South Africa
W. G. Augustyn, Department Chemie & Fisika, Technikon Pretoria, Technikon Pretoria, South Africa
J. H. Prior, Necsa, South Africa
Full Text:
PDF (342KB)Abstract
Hierdie artikel beskryf die konstruksie van ’n langpadlengte-infrarooisel wat gebruik kan word om korrosiewe gasmengsels kwalitatief en kwantitatief te analiseer. Die vereistes waaraan so ’n sel moet voldoen, word kortliks bespreek en die ontwerp word beskryf met spesifieke verwysing na geskikte materiale vir die spieël, die optimisering van die padlengte en die bepaling van die maksimum seinversterking. Na bepaling van die nodige ontwerpparameters, is dit uit vlekvrye staal gekonstrueer en in bedryf gestel.
The development of a corrosion resistant long pathlength infrared cell Part I: Construction parameters and considerations
This paper describes the construction of a long pathlength infrared cell that is suitable for the qualitative and quantitative analyses of corrosive gas mixtures. The requirements of such a cell are discussed briefly and its design is described with specific reference to suitable materials for the mirror, the optimisation of the pathlength and to determining the maximum gain. After establishing the necessary design parameters, the cell was constructed from stainless steel and commissioned for practical applications.
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