2-Etiel-3-O-sulfamoïel-estra-1,3,5(10)16-tetraeen veroorsaak seldood deur outofagie in borsadenokarsinoomselle

Authors: D.S. Nkandeu1, T.V. Mqoco1, A.M. Joubert1
Affiliations: 1Department of Physiology, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Correspondence to: D. Nkandeu
Postal address: Private Bag X11, Arcadia 0007, South Africa
How to cite this abstract: Nkandeu, D.S., Mqoco, T.V. & Joubert, A.M., 2014, ‘2-Etiel-3-O-sulfamoïel-estra-1,3,5(10)16-tetraeen veroorsaak seldood deur outofagie in borsadenokarsinoomselle’, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 33(1), Art. #1217, 1 page. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/satnt.v33i1.1217
Note: This paper was initially delivered at the School of Environmental Sciences and Development of the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa on 05 October 2012.

Copyright Notice: © 2014. The Authors. Licensee: AOSIS OpenJournals. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Open Access

2-Ethyl-3-O-sulphamoyl-estra-1,3,5(10)16-tetraene (C19) induces cell death via the autophagy in breast adenocarcinoma cells. C19 induces cell death via autophagy in breast adenocarcinoma cells by increasing the number of acidic vacuoles formed and an increase in ROS generation, as well as accumulation of autophagosomes.

Open Access

2-Metoksiëstradiol (2ME2) is ‘n analoog van 17-β-estradiol wat natuurlik in die menslike liggaam voorkom. 2ME2 het ‘n sterk anti-kankeraktiwiteit en is bewys om apoptose te veroorsaak in verskillende kankersellyne. As gevolg van vinnige metaboliese degradasie, het wetenskaplikes nuwe 2ME2-analoë begin ontwikkel. In die huidige studie, word die in vitro effek van 2-etiel-3-O-sulfamoïel-estra-1,3,5(10)16-tetraeen (C19), ‘n unieke 17-β-estradioolanaloog, wat deur die Bioinformatika en Berekeningsbiologieseeenheid by die Universiteit van Pretoria in silico-ontwerp is, is op borsadenokarsinoom MCF-7sellyn getoets. Die in vitro-effek van 0.2 μM C19 na 24 h blootstelling op MCF-7 borskankerselle en die moontlike induksie van outofagie is ondersoek met behulp van selmorfologie, LC3 en reaktiewe suurstofspesies (ROS). Polarisasie-optiese deurgelate lig differensiële inmengingkontras (PlasDIC) en hematoksilien-eosienkleuring (H&E) het die volgende aan die lig gebring: ʼn afname in seldigtheid, verkrimpte selle, selle geblokkeer in metafase en die teenwoordigheid van apoptotiese liggame in C19-blootgestelde selle in vergelyking met die oplosmiddel-behandelde selle. Outofagie is bewys deur monodansylcadaverine (MDC)-kleuring wat ʼn toename in die teenwoordigheid van vakuole en lisosome in C19- blootgestelde selle getoon het. Hierdie resultate is met die hulp van vloeisitometrie bevestig. LC3 en ʼn toename in ROS het seldood via outofagie bevestig. Die studie bewys ook dat die aksiemeganismes van C19 sterker is as 2ME2.

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