Original Research: Technology in Academics

Blended interaction: Implementing a bring-your-own-device approach versus provided tablet computers

Jako Olivier
Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie | Vol 35, No 1 | a1391 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/satnt.v35i1.1391 | © 2016 Jako Olivier | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 30 April 2016 | Published: 29 September 2016

About the author(s)

Jako Olivier, School of Human and Social Sciences for Education, North-West University, South Africa

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Effective interaction in classes and real-time feedback are challenges that may occur in any classroom. In this regard, mobile technologies may act as a supplement in a so-called blended context. This article investigates the role a bring-your-own-device approach in comparison with an approach where similar tablet computers are provided, plays in terms of interaction and feedback in a linguistics class at third-year university level. In this way the gap in the literature regarding the implementation of blended learning in higher education in South Africa and especially in terms of the bring-your-own-device approach could be augmented. In this research a case study design was used and the data of two groups of third-years were gathered by means of qualitative methods. User statistics from a learning management system was collected, but the main data consisted of the observations and reflections of the lecturer, as well as feedback from students by means of short questionnaires. This data was analysed in an inductive manner in order to identify relevant themes and codes. Both a bring-your-own-device approach and the use of provided tablet computers could facilitate effective interaction and real-time feedback. Apart from the benefits, some limitations were identified in terms of access and skills among students. In this specific context, the bring-your-own-device approach seems to be the better option, but for other contexts solutions will have to be customised.


Bring-jou-eie-toestel-benadering; tabletrekenaars; m-leer; vervlegte leer


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